Abide - определение. Что такое Abide
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Что (кто) такое Abide - определение

(abides, abiding, abided)
If you can't abide someone or something, you dislike them very much.
I can't abide people who can't make up their minds...
= can't stand
PHRASE: with brd-neg
¦ verb
1. (abide by) accept or act in accordance with (a rule or decision).
2. (cannot/could not abide) informal be unable to tolerate.
3. [often as adjective abiding] (of a feeling or memory) endure.
4. archaic live; dwell.
abidance noun (archaic).
abidingly adverb
OE abidan 'wait', from a- 'onwards' + bidan (see bide).
I. v. n.
Stay, sojourn, tarry, lodge, rest, keep, take up one's quarters, pitch one's tent.
Dwell, reside, live, inhabit, settle, plant one's self, get a footing, get a foothold.
Remain, continue, persist, persevere, go on, keep on, be steadfast, be constant. See subsist.
Endure, last, be enduring, be indestructible, be permanent, be immutable.
II. v. a.
Await, attend, wait for, be in readiness for, be in store for.
Endure, tolerate, bear, brook, suffer, bear with, put up with, sustain.


Примеры произношения для Abide
1. abide by the law.
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2. They're twins-- Zohan and Abid.
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3. expect us to abide by.
4. I cannot abide this, I'm stepping down.
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5. that we have to abide by.
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Примеры употребления для Abide
1. Let‘s make them abide by the rules which we want them to abide by."
2. If they abide by it, we will abide by it," said Khaled al–Batsh, an Islamic Jihad leader.
3. If they abide by it, we will abide by it,» said Khaled Al–Batsh, an Islamic Jihad leader.
4. "The difference is that we are a democracy, we abide by the rule of law, we abide by our international obligations.
5. | RSS "Iran has certain obligations it‘s got to abide by.